Small Talk: Boston Red Sox Players Talk About Technology

In this week’s edition of “Small Talk,” the Boston Red Sox answered some big technology questions from little kids.

1. What is this (VHS tape)?
Pitcher Rick Porcello:
You don’t know what that’s called? That’s just a regular VCR movie tape. When I was younger, that’s all we had. We didn’t have DVDs, and we couldn’t download movies online yet. Actually, when I was 5 or 6 years old, we didn’t even have Internet yet.

2. Do VHS tapes come from outer space?
Pitcher Joe Kelly:
That makes me feel old. I’ve never seen one of those in a long time either, but that is something you throw in the VCR, and it’s not part of your Xbox, so it’s something a little before your time. Thanks for making me feel old.

3. I play “Mario Kart” on Game Boy. What games did you play?
Pitcher Justin Masterson: Game Boy, that’s the original. That’s the first thing I ever won when I was a little kid … at Parkwood Elementary School (in Beavercreek, Ohio), so I played that a lot. My favorite: any “Mario” game. You give me any “Mario” game, I will dominate you, your mom, your brother, your dad, your sister’s brother, everybody.

4. Do you listen to music on a record?
Utility man Brock Holt: I do not listen to music on a record. I listen to it just on my cell phone. I use iTunes and get my music that way.

5. Did you listen to records when you were little? What else do you remember from the 1980s?
Pitcher Craig Breslow:
The ’80s were a long time ago. My favorite team growing up was the New York Mets, and I remember in 1986 they won the World Series against the Boston Red Sox in a pretty famous series. Much beyond that, I don’t totally remember, but when I look back and see pictures, I see a lot of neon colors and big hair.

6. I listen to music on my iPod and iPad. How do you listen to music?
Pitcher Wade Miley: 
Back when I was a kid, I used that Walkman you have in your hand right there, so we definitely used a lot of CDs and stuff like that. Technology has gotten a little crazy now. Now, I do use an iPod.

7. What would a robot do on the Red Sox?
Pitcher Tommy Layne:
If I had a robot on my team, I’d have him sit in the outfield every day and shag (batting practice) so I didn’t have to do it. It’s hard being out there, sitting out there for an hour on your feet before a game tracking down balls for the hitters. On a serious note, if I had a robot, it’d be a guy who could go out there and hit home runs all the time. So just like (Red Sox designated hitter) David Ortiz. So I think we kind of have a robot.

8. Do you listen to music on records like my grandmother?
Pitcher Matt Barnes:
I listen to music. I don’t know if it’s the same kind of music as your grandmother. Mine’s on an MP3 player usually. But yeah, I do listen to music. I love country music, electronic music, kind of anything that’s good.

9. Did your radio ever look like this one when you were little?
Outfielder Shane Victorino: 
Yes, it did. Obviously, you kids probably won’t have that kind of radio these days, especially nowadays with all the phones you guys have and all the other little gadgets. But yes, my radio did look like that.